| 1. | Performance and inheritance of rice starch viscosity rva profile characteristics 谱特征与品质性状相关性研究 |
| 2. | Studies on the rice rva profile characteristics and its correlation with the quality 垩白对粳米蒸煮食味品质的影响 |
| 3. | The relationship between fibre diameter profile characteristics and staple strength 毛丛直径形态特征与毛丛强度之间关系的探讨 |
| 4. | The effect of the starch - synthesizing genes on rva profile characteristics in rice oryza sativa l 快速鉴定稻米蒸煮及食味品质的研究 |
| 5. | Deep litter system for management of livestock manure : profile characteristics of litter in deep - litter system 肥处理下晚稻产量呈显著下降 |
| 6. | The thermocline classification method has been worked out on the basis of the classification theory for various thermocline types and in the light of temperature profile characteristics of scs . so the result can clearly reflect the distributional pattern of the thermocline in the south china sea 用该方法分类、统计计算并绘制的南海温跃层图件,能够真实清楚地反映出南海温跃层的分布规律,对整个研究工作起到至关重要的核心作用。 |